As usual I have several ongoing projects. This most recent one involves using up some of the fabric foundation bases left over from the little hopes atc workshop in March. I've started making some in the same color scheme and plan to attach them together as blocks instead of creating them individually as atcs. Gold, green and purple are an unusual color combination for me.
They will probably be combined as one long piece, as will the shards and squares project.
A robin continues to try to fly into our dining room window. When it settled on a perch in the tree outside and seemed content to try to just look in instead of flying in, I took photos but I don't think any of them turned out very well. This is the best one; you can see the robin.
1 day ago
I couldn't see the robin at first, but looked harder, then saw it much bigger than expected -- wow, he's close! If anyone else doesn't see it (he has great camoflage!) he's just right of and slightly below center. A great shot!
Deborah ...I wish we lived closer...we share so many loves...touching and collecting fabrics, quilts and buttons buttons buttons XXXXX ! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen fernandez Stewart
That robin is nesting and he knows where good long threads can be found!
The graphic blues are wonderful. Maybe the robin wants a little nest in your bush and keeps wacking the window by mistake, or he wants a nest inside your house!
Lovely colour combo! Changing your approach can sometimes send you down new and interesting paths of creativity.
The robin certainly feels safe and at home outside your window, maybe he's looking for some bundle material for his nest.-)
that's one big robin!
Long live the unusual combinations! These work indeed. "Matching" colors are boring.
silly robin, but great shot of it!
We don't seem to have any robins here. I love them and named my first son Robin! Last time I saw a robin we were camping in Northern California. They were nesting and raising the young ones . There were beautiful, already hatched, blue eggshells on the ground.
That's sweet that his little flying spirit chose you and your home to nest with.
A robin flew into my living room window the other day---scared me--but there was no sign of the little creature when I went outside to see if it got injured.
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