the first night she felt compelled to guard us from every sound that could be heard and
none of us slept very well.
the second night there was a fire alarm in the middle of the night.
mollie is glad to be back home where she is sleeping well and we are sleeping as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
Hoping everything is dogs would have guarded and barked too and been oh so glad to be home. xox Corrine
Poor Mollie. Tell her Murphy would have barked at everything, every sound every shadow under the door. It's his job. :)Bea
Poor doggie. :O) I'm glad she is feeling better.
Mollie looks like such a sweet dog!
I love the picture of Mollie! The creek is pretty too..I wish good things for you...
One of our yorkies is not good on the first night someplace other than home...every wee noise gets her going!
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