Wednesday, December 15, 2010

a tree as story

ornaments from Paris

The first Christmas we were married, we bought a single Christmas ornament and decorated the tree with popcorn and cranberry garlands and other homemade decorations including salt dough and paper ornaments.

Early in our marriage during our first, and very brief, visit to Paris we bought these ornaments.

 ornament from Paris
For thirty years now we've added to the collection, at first one or two at a tine, then as a family each of the four of us would select an ornament, usually at Chrismastime and occasionally on summer vacations. Although we are now only a family of three, our tree still tells a story through the ornaments selected and made by a family with two little girls. The decorations represent and are comprised of school pictures, musical instruments, fluffy pink birds, dancing shoes, and small toys. In recent years we've also added the ornaments that used to hang from the trees decorated by my husband's parents.

It's just a tree but each ornament tells a story.


jess said...

Those stories are always the richest. I love that ornament from Paris! ::hugs:: I'm thinking of you all!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I feel the same way about the collection of my ornaments over the past years...they relive my spark in my heart...Merry Christmas! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Eva said...

When a was a kid, our tree looked much like this. We also had this kind of vintage ornaments in gold and silver. We even had a mirror with an oval frame like the one in the background! And today, I have red living room walls...

Anonymous said...

Our ornaments are similar, many hand-made by our children. The memories are hung lovingly each year.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous tree and it's so great to know that all
those ornaments have special meaning and you remember the stories. That's the best part of the
holiday. xox Corrine

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

Our first tree had a bazillion ribbons tied to it because we didn't have any ornaments. You have a beautiful tree.

Deborah said...

We also tied ribbons on our first tree. And what I forgot to mention was that while we were at work, our dog Samantha (the predecessor to Mollie but also a keeschond) would sneak out where we thought we had barricaded her in the kitchen and eat the popcorn. Amazingly she did not knock down the tree!

Heather Foust said...

I feel the same way. Each ornament has a story. I have them from my daughters first christmas to my mothers ornaments. Each one of the precious in there own way.

Catherine said...

This is exactly what we liketo do and our tree also tells story. I love that each ornament has some meaning to it. Those ornaments from Paris look beautfiul!

Suzanne Kistler said...

I love your post! Our tree is the same, a keeper of memories. I haven't pulled out the ornaments yet, but each one has a story to tell.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

This is my favorite kind of tree; mine too tells our family story and I love looking at each little ornament as I decorate. I'm hanging my old pipe cleaner and beaded ornaments together with the stailess steel ones with pride and a smile!

ParisMaddy said...

Lovely story, Deborah. ANYthing from Paris works for me. :) When my son was little I bought him an ornament every year so he can now decorate a tree with his first ornament and watch the years twinkle by every Christmas.

My first tree was cookie cutters tied with red and white checkered ribbon as ornaments. Cookie cutters were way cheaper than ornaments back then.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Very beautiful! I love the story and this tree rich in memory and heritage.

Merry Christmas!