Wednesday, March 24, 2010

rabbit hole clue two

This is what I've done so far for Clue Number Two of Bea's Down the Rabbit Hole Challenge. I decided to use the "happy accident" piece instead of the blue one. I layered the stained piece between some thin batting and a piece of sparkly tulle. Then I stitched them together using a variety of threads and stitches. I'm thinking of adding more stitching but maybe I'll wait for the third clue. This is all hand stitching so I hope it will hold up for the subsequent steps.


Suzanne Kistler said...

Ahhh! I haven't been online for a couple of days, and I see that you've already received the Sunshine Award. You've been nominated again. Obviously you don't have to repeat the acceptance process. But don't be surprised if more people are visiting from parts unknown!

Thank you, Deborah, for your inspiration.

jpsam said...

This is wonderful! Eager to see how it progresses.

FORM said...
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Eva said...

Very subtle -- on the narrow path between intention and coincidence. Makes you look and wonder... and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, fun stitching and some mystery.
This is turning out really nice. Thanks again for thinking of me with our blogger award.


Anonymous said...

That's looking good - very intriguing!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

How exciting; the happy accident looks great!

Bea said...

I can't wait until we get to the Third Clue! Love where this is heading. :)Bea

My Creative House said...

This sounds like an exciting challenge, your work looks great.

BadPenny said...

this looks interesting.... thanks again for the award - it's up today x

Yvonne said...

How lovely. I love waht you have done so far. The stitching design is great.

BT said...

I'm glad you used the accidental piece! I think it's great so far.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

What a fun project!